Color Psychology

 Color Psychology is using the colors correctly in order to enhance the feeling of a message to give a strong message to the audience/viewer. Colors influence perceptions that aren't obvious such as taste of food. Colors have that qualities that can cause certain emotions in people.

There are some common colors that trigger people's emotions but , colors can have a positive and negative effect on people.

  1. Red shows excitement , love , strength but also depicts danger , blood and fire.
  2. Orange shows confidence , success , bravery but rudeness and untrustworthiness are negative.
  3. Yellow is creativity , warmth , happiness but shows betrayal , anxiety.
  4. Green depicts nature , healing but negatively it shows materialism and possessiveness.
  5. Black showing security , dramatic , and formality but shows sadness , depression and secretive.
  6. White shows clean , simplicity , honesty but negatively shows cold and isolated.
  7. Blue depicts trust , peace and loyalty but fear and irrationality.


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